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Aseko Pool Technology

Aseko Gas Analyzers

Aseko Detection Systems

Aseko Ripening Technology


Aseko Pool Technology

ASIN AQUA pool technology for pool water quality control. Membrane probes for free and total chlorine measurement. Reagents for the chlorine or oxygen disinfection or disinfection by the electrolysis of salt water.


Aseko Detection Systems

Detection systems for garages and boiler houses. Detectors and concentration transmitters of hydrocarbons and toxic gases and vapours.


Aseko Gas Analyzers

Analyzers AIR LF measure the composition of landfill gas and biogas with linear NDIR technology.
This method of measuring by absorption of infrared radiation is highly resistant and provides stable measured data.


Aseko Ripening Technology

ART is a microprocessor controlled fully automated ripening technology of fruits, especially bananas. In the Ripening Room temperature and ethylene concentration.

About Aseko

Aseko is a technology innovator, manufacturer and supplier of industrial technologies for gas and vapor detection, biogas composition analysis, pool water treatment and tropical fruit ripening control. Our company started in Prague, Czech republic in 1991 as a manufacturing and development company of detection systems, gas analyzers and ripening technology. Since 1999 we are based in Vestec, outskirts of Prague, where we have built new factory and offices. This move made possibility to fully expand in development and research activities. In 2015 we went through major reconstruction to further expand our production capacity. In 2020 we have customers already in more than 30 countries and still expanding and boosting our business! Be part of our story, contact us and become our business partner.



Aseko Pool Technology


Aseko Detection Systems


Aseko Gas Analyzers


Aseko Ripe Technology

Management, offices
and manufacturing plant

ASEKO, spol. s r.o.
Videnska 340, Vestec, Prague, 252 50, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ40766471

tel.: +420 603 500 940, +420 246 083 600

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 8.00 am – 4.00 pm

Friday 8.00 – 15.00 h